1300 State Route 125 Amelia, Ohio 45102

The Call | Pastor Matt Young

Dec 17, 2023    Pastor Matt Young

As we gather today, under the guidance of our devoted shepherd, Pastor Matt, it's essential to remember a fundamental truth in our walk with God. In a world where chaos and uncertainty often prevail, Pastor Matt reminds us that God never promised that everything in our lives would be smooth sailing. Instead, He assures us that even in the midst of life's storms, He can make all things work together for good.

I. Two Conditions for Making Your Bad Work for Good

Drawing from Romans 8:28-30, we find the blueprint for transforming our challenges into blessings. To experience the miraculous workings of God, we must:

- Love God: This is the foundation, the heart of the matter. Love is the driving force behind every transformation.

- Walk in Your Calling: Discover your unique purpose, your divine calling, and follow it with dedication.

II. The Call to Serve

Peter, in the book of Acts, declared that the day of Pentecost marked the beginning of the last days. His words provide a timeless strategy for the church to remain relevant and become agents of transformation:

- Pray: Communication with God is key in navigating these challenging times.

- Fervent Love: Love has the incredible power to cover a multitude of sins.

- Serving: In a world growing more self-centered by the day, the church's role is to serve and love one another, finding significance through servanthood.

III. The Biblical Definition of Servanthood

True servanthood entails:

- Making Jesus Lord of our lives.

- Surrendering to His will.

- Faithfully executing the work, He has given us.

- Utilizing our God-given gifts and talents to benefit others.

IV. The Foundation of Servanthood

Service doesn't diminish; it elevates. As Mark 10:43-45 reminds us, serving leads to promotion, prominence, and true greatness. God desires you to aspire to greatness through servanthood.

V. The Attitude of Christ

To maintain this spirit of servanthood, we follow the example set by Jesus:

- Regard others as superior to ourselves.

- Esteem and be concerned for the interests of others.

- Emulate the humility demonstrated by Christ Himself.

As we journey through this message, let's explore the profound transformation that occurs when we answer, "The Call." Remember, it's not about being served but about serving others as an expression of our love for God.